


Total industry


We offer an extensively wide range of tanning and retanning products. These products include solid and liquid that have excellent performance. We aim at providing the finished leather with beauty, versatility and brilliant physical property. Meanwhile we have made great attempt in innovative designing of chemical structure and in reaching ZDHC standards.




Major component


DESOATEN GT50 Glutaraldehyde Glutaraldehyde 1. Give full, soft leathers with high wash-fastness, high perspiration and alkali resistance.
2. Promote dispersion and uptake of retanning agents, give good levelling property.
3. Have a strong tanning ability, can be used in chrome free leather alone.
DESOATEN DC-N Aliphatic Aldehyde for Soft Leather Aliphatic Aldehyde 1. The product has a special affinity to leather fiber, thus, penetration and absorption of tanning agents, fatliquors, dyestuff can be promoted.
2. When used before chrome tanning, it will promote even diftribution of chrome and give fine grain.
3. When used for the pretanning of sheep leather, even distribution of natural fat can be achieved.
4. When used during fatliquoring, give leather an enhanced softness and natural hand feel.
DESOATEN BTL Phenolic Syntan Aromatic Sulfonic Condensate 1. Bleaching effect on chrome tanned leather. Give full crust a uniform light color.
2. Could be used before or after neutralization or as level dyeing agent.
3. When used for fur, give tight leather with good buffing property.
DESOATEN SAT-P Sulfone Syntan Sulfone Condensate 1. Excellent filling property, give full leather with tight grain.
2. Excellent light and heat resistance, suitable for white leather.
3. Similar astringency to tannin extract. After milling, the pattern of leather is very even.
4. Low content of formaldehyde, suitable for infant articles.
DESOATEN NFR Formaldehyde Free Amino Resin Condensate of amino compound 1. Give leather fullness and softness
2. Has excellent penetration and selective filling to lessen the leather part differences
3. Has good light resistance and heat resistance
4. The retanned leather has a fine grain and very good milling, buffing effect
5. Formaldehyde free
DESOAETN A-30 Amino resin retanning agent Condensate of Amino Compound 1. Improve the fullness of leather give good selective filling to lessen the leather part differences.
2. Excellent permeability, low astringency, no rough surface, compact and flat grain surface.
3. The retanning leather has good buffing and embossing performance.
4. It has good light resistance and heat resistance.
5. Give very low free formaldehyde content leather.
DESOATEN AMR Acrylic Polymer Acrylic Polymer 1. It is suitable for filling various types of leather, it can give round handle and tight grain, reduce loose grain.
2. Used in the filling process to help dyes disperse and penetrate. It can effectively solve the problem  of loose grain before and after fatliquoring.
3. It has excellent light and heart resistance.
DESOAETN LP Polymer Retanning Agent Micro-Polymer 1. Excellent penetration. Give full, soft and even leather with fine and tight grain.
2. Very good resistance to heat and light, very suitable for retanning of white or light color leather.
3. Improve the dispersion, penetration and consumption of other retanning agents, fatliquors and dyestuffs.
4. Improve the fullness of leather and the absorption and fixation of chrome salt.
DESOATEN FB Protein Filler Natural Protein 1. Effective filling at flank or other loose part. Reduce loosening and give more uniform and fuller leather.
2. Less veins on leather when used in tanning or retanning.
3. Do not affect penetration and exhaustion of retanning agents, fatliquors or dyestuffs when used in the same float.
4. Improve uniformity of nap when used for suade.
DESOATEN ARA Amphoteric Acrylic Polymer Retanning Agent Amphoteric Acrylic Polymer 1. Gives excellent fullness and remarkable tightness of the fibre structure, therefore is particularly suitable for the retannage of loose structured hides and skins.
2. As a result of very good resistance to heat and light, to acid and electrolyte, excellent stability in mineral tanning floats, can be applied in tanning and retanning process.
3. Helps to minimize double hiding and looseness of sheep garment nappa and results in a very fine grain.
4. Due to its amphoteric structure, added at the end of dyeing and fatliquoring processes and subsequent slow acidifying, the exhaustion of fatliquors and dyestuffs can be improved, and the depth of shades can be improved noticeably.
5. No free formaldehyde content, suitable for infant article use.